Writings -
01/25/2005 - Another huge day in my life. After four years of suffering with a bad right eye, I underwent successful surgery in Boston by Dr. Donald D'Amico to fix it.
From time to time, I enjoy and am inspired to write. Essays and poetry are my usual forms of expression. Due to the psychic aftermath of my ex-wife's departure and initial refusal to reconcile. I find my creativity heavily stimulated to write. Often times, I wake up with words in my head. I rush to paper or my notebook and jot the thoughts down.
Here are some examples:
The Savage Beast - Hurricane, 11/17/2002
Morning meanderings, October 17, 2002
To Tess: Written at the Exotic Erotic Ball - 10/27/2002
Tough Morning - Written after the X left me and I didn't know the truth about why:
Here is an essay I wrote when my father, Albert Goldberg, died:
Meanderings of the Olde Soldier – May 10, 2000
And a poem dedicated to him:
An essay when my beloved Trevor Dog crossed the bridge: